
Deadlight Jack

Deadlight Jack

Dark Valentines

Now available on Amazon

Christmas Ghost Stories

A collection of winter tales

Tales From Tomorrow

Now available on Amazon

Kua Mau

Kaiju Mother of Wrath

The Thetis Plague

Also from Mark Onspaugh and Severed Press

The Faceless One

Onspaugh’s Debut Novel

Short Stories in Anthologies

A number of these anthologies are now for sale on Amazon and you can link thru to each title or just try Mark’s author page


Let That Be a Lesson to You
to be published in Blood Lite III, edited by the Horror Writers Association

Quality Care

for Crimson Screams published by Sam’s Dot

The Night Garden

going into the Best New Vampire Stories II or III, being published by Book of the Dead Press in 2011

Lullaby Land

to be published in 2011 by 23 House in the anthology The Forsaken he is co-editing with Joe McKinney



A Short History of Monsters from Black & White to Blood Red
This quasi-autobiographical essay will appear in Butcher Knives & Body Counts: Essays on the Formula, Frights, and Fun of the Slasher Film, edited by Vince A. Liaguno, et alia. Forthcoming in 2010.

Shall We Dance

will appear in the serial killer/social network anthology The Snuff Syndicate

Let My Love Carry Me Home

A soldier from the reign of Macbeth finds a future he could not have imagined in Time in a Bottle, forthcoming from Cyberwizard Productions, 2010

Time’s Cruel Geometry

This anthology from Northern Frights Timelines is inspired by HG Wells’ novel The Time Machine. Forthcoming in 2010

A Sweet Girl for Todd

This tale of a misfit’s adventure in a tanning salon will appear in the humorous anthology Blood Lite 2. Forthcoming in 2010

The Broken Hand Mirror of Venus

This anthology from Northern Frights is inspired by HG Wells’ novel War of the Worlds. Forthcoming in 2010  (Nominated for a Pushcart Prize)

Tourist Trap

A wry story of the last man on Earth will appear in Triangulation: End of the Rainbow, from Parsec. Forthcoming in 2010

Old Man Coyote Wakes the Dead

This anthology of Old West zombie tales, The Zombist, will be published by Library of the Living Dead Press and is forthcoming in 2010.

Good Neighbor Sam

This zombie themed anthology Dead Set is co-edited by Joe McKinney for 23 House. Forthcoming in 2010

Chairman of the Brood

Read this humorous take on the Rat Pack online in the Las Vegas Review Journal. 2010

Can You Hear Me, Major Tom?

There’s trouble on an international space station in this anthology of space age zombies. Zombonauts, from Library of the Living Dead Press.  2010.  Available from Amazon.

You Get What You Pay For

will appear in the Scottish anthology Raw Terror edited by Ian Hunter. 2010

Off Season

will appear in the carnival-oriented Side Show 2, Sam’s Dot Publishing, 2010


Dr. Price and the Curious Case of Dorothy Gale

A sequel of sorts to the Wizard of Oz, this dark tale appears in Shadows of the Emerald City, from Northern Frights.  2009.  Available from Amazon.

Grimm and Grimmer

will appear in the humans-as-edible anthology The Devil’s Food from The Monsters Next Door, 2009. Online at Amazon

Death Roe

will appear in the fish & fishing oriented anthology Dead Bait, Severed Press, 2009. Available at Amazon.

The Tortoise and the Silverfish

for the Poe-centric anthology Return of the Raven, Horror Bound, 2009 (this story features the horrific demise of my friends and former employers Lydia Marano and Arthur Byron Cover!)

Welcome to the Federation

for the speculative fiction anthology Thoughtcrime Experiments, Creative Commons, 2009.  (linked above as a free download)

All is Dust and Darkness

for the science fiction anthology Footprints, Hadley Rille Books, 2009.  Available from Amazon.

Quality Care

for the horror anthology Crimson Screams, Turner Maxwell Books, 2009

The Milton Feinhoff Problem

for the anthology Triangulation: Dark Glass, Parsec Publishing, 2009


for the superhero anthology POW!erful Tales, Peryton Publishing, 2009

Please Turn Off the Lights When You Leave

for the science fiction anthology The Book of Exodi, Eposic Diversions, 2009. Now available on Amazon

Sucker Punch

for the aptly named The Book of Tentacles, Sam’s Dot Publishing 2009

The Song of Absent Birds

for the zombie anthology The World is Dead, Permuted Press 2009. Now available on Amazon

The Decay of Unknown Particles

for the zombie science fiction anthology Dead Science, Coscom Entertainment, 2009. Now available on Amazon.

Hospital Diet

a short-short for Malpractice, an Anthology of Bedside Terror, Necrotic Tissue, 2009


for the grave tales anthology Potter’s Field 3, Sam’s Dot Publishing, 2009. See the favorable review from the Tampa Bay Press

The Night Garden

for the vampire anthology Nights of Blood II, 23 House, 2009.
Now available on Amazon


Old School

for the humorous horror anthology Blood Lite Pocket, 2008.
Now available on Amazon

A New Life

The Harrow, an online magazine of horror and fantasy, Dec. 2007